Marloes Roeper (graduate of HKU, Utrecht) has been awarded the first Lakeside Collection Award. The selection was amongst 26 talented artists selected for the Best of Graduates 2021 by the Ron Mandos Young Blood Foundation
August 2021
Rotterdam – the Netherlands

Marloes Roeper (HKU graduate) has been awarded the first Lakeside Collection Award. The selection was amongst 26 talented artists selected for the Best of Graduates 2021 by the Ron Mandos Young Blood Foundation.
Recently, the Lakeside Collection Award has been founded and for the first three years the collection is committed to presenting the award to one of the participants of the Best Graduates exhibition, organized annually by Galerie Ron Mandos and supported by the Ron Mandos Young Blood Foundation. We admire both the gallery and the foundation for supporting young artists unconditionally. The winner of our award will be given an artist in residence program, including financial support and guidance during this period. We hope to create a long term relationship with the artists.
Motivation by the jury (Erik Paol, Tomáš Libertíny and Ali Keles) of Lakeside Collection Award 2021:
“The jury has great admiration for all students who were hindered by COVID19 in their interaction with others during their last two years of study. But the results were astonishing. We saw a level in three candidates that touched us unanimously and therefor nominated for the Lakeside Collection Award. That was the case with the paintings by Tian Teng and Marloes Roeper and with the photos by Esmee van Zeeventer. After a long neck-and-neck race with Esmee van Zeeventer, the jury chose Marloes Roeper.
Marloes Roeper knows how to achieve maximum effects with minimal resources. Her quick brushstrokes and her color schemes show bravado and have a direct effect on the senses. It mysteriously stimulates the sense of space. Marloes can make the world seem simple in an instant and you hardly know how she succeeds. But the joy in painting is clearly visible and contagious.
We therefore believe that a graduate with the daring and open-mindedness of Marloes Roeper holds a promise for the future. By awarding the Lakeside Collection Award, the jury wants to challenge her to show more. We hope with the Award to support her further professionalization and to offer her a success factor that she deserves at this point in her career.
Concerning co-nominated Esmee van Zeeventer, the Lakeside Collection has decided to include one of her works in the collection.”
For more information:
RM Sunday Session program about "The Future of the Arts"
In light of the Lakeside Collection Award ceremony, Founder and Chairman of the Lakeside Collection, Ali Keles participated as one of the guests in the RM Sunday Session program about "the Future of the Arts", speaking about working with young artists and how to support their future endeavours.
Q.: What is the role of the Lakeside Collection in working with young artists and supporting their future endeavors? Can you also tell me more about your new residence program?
A.: Actually it is not only a matter of age, supporting an artist can be in any stage of their life. Lakeside Collection embraces a humanistic perspective and wishes (young) artists to continue their personal and artistic development. Creating an environment where artists can express themselves in freedom is of great importance. Society has always been connected to art throughout its history. Art is the reflection of social awareness and conscience. It exposes the ideas, feelings, and concepts that we all live in. Overthinking existential questions and pursuing to find answers where art is a source of inspiration. A purpose of the collection is to open a door for society in order to promote self-growth and enlightenment.
Q.: What is the most important lesson you, as a collector, want to pass on to young artists? How can you prepare them for the future?
A.: It is important to have a strong believe in yourself and what you do. History teaches us that not all artists and their artworks were acknowledged during their lives, although we would wish differently. Therefore, don’t give up on your dreams, also when your artworks are not directly understood and get immediate positive reactions. Embrace negative criticism, be open for development. Follow your heart and don’t underestimate the importance of a strong work ethic. Focus on quality rather than on volume. Gather and foster a group of ambassadors and supporters, including advisors. Take your time, be patient, there is no rush neither competition with others. We all walk our own special path.
To read the full Q&A: