A modern and contemporary art collection.


Liquid Love


Hadassah Emmerich
Oil on canvas
185 x 130 cm

‘Liquid Love’ is part of the exhibition “Botanical Body Bliss” in Ron Mandos Gallery in 2023. The painting is a perfect representation of Emmerich’s unique technique - repurposing vinyl flooring and cutting them into stencils, which are then painted and used to print on canvases and walls. Abstract at first, the painting references visual advertisements and Pop Art. At a closer look, the viewer sees human contours, tropical plants, and flowers. The work explores the stereotypical constructs of the exotic and the erotic, its commodification, and sexualization. For example, colourful souvenirs in Indonesian markets rarely have anything to do with the culture within which they are presented. Hence, Emmerich’s work discusses how one deals with other cultures and integrates them.

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