A modern and contemporary art collection.

Lakeside Collection Award

Lakeside Collection Award 2024

Loes van Roozendaal (HKU) has been awarded the Lakeside Collection Award 2024. The selection was amongst 24 talented artists selected for the Best of Graduates 2024 by the Ron Mandos Young Blood Foundation.

Motivation by the jury (Adriana Gonzalez Hulshof, Lieven Hendriks, Tomas Libertiny, Annemarie van der Hoeven and Ali Keles) of Lakeside Collection Award 2024:

“The jury of the Lakeside Collection Award sees Loes van Rozendaal as a great painting talent who is firmly committed to a theme. Her work is technically very complicated and skilled, and at the same time adventurous because of the convincing painterly research she conducts into the translation of light and space, in which she tries to capture the passage of time within painting. She paints with dedication and expresses that strongly on canvas.

In her presentation at the Best of Graduates 2024 we see the transparency of glass translated into the richness of color. Every time you take a different position in relation to the painting, the works seem to change.

Loes sees herself as an artist and is willing to work hard and show commitment. Even before she started at the art academy, she was already aware of her need to become an artist, for which she completed a residency in Spain. She is willing to do long-term research and practice on canvas. She is ambitious and eager to learn and speaks beautifully and clearly about the origins and development of her work, which resulted in this graduation presentation. Her energetic and vital attitude during the online presence was striking and the jury thinks she is completely at home at the Lakeside Collection artist-in-residency in the Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen.

The other nominees of whom most of them also works have been acquired for the Lakeside Collection are: Jens Buis, Mayte Breed, Amber Schaafsma and Michal Kucharski.”

Photo: Loes van Roozendaal (1996), ‘Untitled (2)’ 2024 art work, acrylic and oil on canvas, winner of the Lakeside Collection Award 2024, painted during graduation and exhibited at the Best of Graduates 2024 by Ron Mandos Young Blood Foundation, has become part of the Lakeside Collection.

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