New section at Art Rotterdam 2024: Artistic Matter, made possible by Lakeside Capital Partners and presented by the Weisbard Galerie Foundation and Annemarie Fine Art

New section at Art Rotterdam 2024: Artistic Matter, made possible by Lakeside Capital Partners and presented by the Weisbard Galerie Foundation and Annemarie Fine Art. Artistic Matter got a place of honor at Art Rotterdam 2024. When entering the main hall of the old Tobacco Factory you could walk straight into it. What matters in this section is a unique use of materials. Most artists work with materials such as oil on linen, watercolor on paper, bronze, wood or marble. At the same time, more and more artists are opting for innovative techniques and unusual materials. Artistic Matter puts these artists in the spotlight.

This time it is the Slovak-Rotterdam artist Tomáš Libertíny. He introduces complex frameworks and constructions into a beehive. He patiently guides the bees in the construction process, creating a delicate connection between people and nature. The effect is a special, stylized shape in beeswax.

In collaboration with artist Tomáš Libertíny, Lakeside Bee Farm was built on the estate of the headquarters of Lakeside Capital Partners in Rotterdam - Overschie. The long-standing relationship between the artist, Tomáš Libertíny and the Managing Partner of Lakeside Capital Partners, Ali Keles, created a fertile basis for this long-term collaboration. His work is in the collections of MoMA, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, MAD / Palais de Louvre, AkzoNobel Art Foundation and Lakeside Collection, among others.

Tomáš Libertiny | made possible by Lakeside Capital Partners | presented by the Weisbard Galerie Foundation and Annemarie Fine Art

RTL Nieuws television report on Artistic Matter at Art Rotterdam January 31st 2024

Publication De Volkskrant January 31st 2024

Lakeside Capital Partners second New Year’s reception took place on January 11th 2024 on the roof of Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen celebrating Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland’s 10th year anniversary

Lakeside Capital Partners second New Year’s reception took place on January 11th 2024 on the roof of Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen celebrating Tandheelkunde Groep Nederland’s 10th year anniversary. A yearly tradition at this venue on each 2nd Thursday of every new year is continuing.

With this get together Lakeside Capital Partner’s management wishes to bring together its network of shareholders, partners, advisors and clients. Not merely for business but moreover to bring them together with the artist community which whom a connection in the heart is in place.


A modern and contemporary art collection, founded in 2015 by Lakeside Capital Partners, with local presence exhibited at “Villa Lakeside”, affiliated locations and Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen.

Diversity and inclusion are valuable sources of inspiration for the Lakeside Collection, which consists of over 120 artworks created by local and international artists from 1946 until today.

Lakeside Collection believes in the power of art and conveys inspiration to its visitors. The collection exhibits many different art forms ranging from video art, sculptures, paintings, filmography, photography to print.

In 2019 Lakeside Collection became an official member of the Netherlands Association of Corporate Art Collections. For more information:

Jiyan Düyü’s new video artwork “Heaven must be like this” has been shown during the ‘Harvest 2023’ exhibition in the compartment of the Lakeside Collection in Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen

Jiyan Düyü’s new video artwork “Heaven must be like this” has been shown during the ‘Harvest 2023’ exhibition in the compartment of the Lakeside Collection in Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen.

Jiyan Düyü (1995) graduated from the Audio-Visual department at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in 2022. With her video installation and graduation film “Birds Fly Back” she won the Lakeside Collection Award and the Wildcard of the Dutch Film Fund. Her new work “Heaven must be like this was created by combining the two awards.”

In “Heaven must be like this” Leonel, Cachupa and Cucada share life with each other. The three friends talk about cars, their children and the loss of their parents.

In 2021 the Lakeside Collection Award has been founded and for the first three years the collection is committed to presenting the award to one of the participants of the Best of Graduates exhibition, organized annually by Galerie Ron Mandos and supported by the Ron Mandos Young Blood Foundation. Both the gallery and the foundation are admired for supporting young artists unconditionally. The Best of Graduates is an exhibition of the graduation work of the most talented students of accredited Photography and Fine Arts courses of the Dutch art academies of each year.

Yearly the winner of the Lakeside Collection Award will be granted an artist-in-residence program in the private compartment of the Lakeside Collection in Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen, including financial support of EUR 5.000,- and guidance during this period. With this award, the Lakeside Collection aims to support and provide visibility for young, local and contemporary artists. Creating a long term relationship with the artists is an important anchor of the program.

Caja Boogers (graduate of HKU, Utrecht) has been awarded the third Lakeside Collection Award. The selection was amongst 25 talented artists selected for the Best of Graduates 2023 by the Ron Mandos Young Blood Foundation

Caja Boogers (graduate of HKU, Utrecht) has been awarded the third Lakeside Collection Award. The selection was amongst 25 talented artists selected for the Best of Graduates 2023 by the Ron Mandos Young Blood Foundation.

Motivation by the jury (Sanne ten Brink, Tomas Libertiny, Annemarie van der Hoeven and Ali Keles) of Lakeside Collection Award 2023:

“The jury is of the opinion that Caja's work is both aesthetically and conceptually convincing. His works are direct, yet offer the viewer the opportunity to interpret what he sees. He paints compellingly. His subjects vary from simple photographic copies to almost abstract sculptural panels. A subject such as frozen waters, on which visible signs of ice skaters who have entered the ice, give an almost photo-realistic image, but at the same time he manages to convert it into an almost abstract natural landscape. His style is daring.

Caja chooses the right scales for his paintings and is not afraid to make mistakes. The cutting style of drawing (as we also see with Marloes Roeper and Sam Werkhoven) is pleasant, confident and without hesitation. This non-hesitation reminds the jury of the pure calligraphic Zen approach when an empty state of mind is needed for the mark to "make itself". Caja knows how to influence the viewer's perception by making small interventions in the canvas and challenging the viewer to look closely; what is paint and what is canvas?

The jury was deeply impressed by the concept and the surprising presentation of the work. According to the jury, Caja has a lot of potential, not only on the scale on which he works now, but also on a more monumental scale. His mastery of the craft of painting, sense of theme expressed in his works with balanced depth, light, color and layering make him a promise for the future. The jury is therefore very curious about the further development of Caja.

The other nominees of whom also works have been acquired for the Lakeside Collection are: Jemima de Jonge and Sam Werkhoven.

Caja Boogers (2001), ‘Partition #5’ 2023 art work, oil and paste on linen, became a part of the Lakeside Collection after winning the Lakeside Collection Award 2023

Ali Keles, together with Ritchy Drost and Cyanne Toebes Moe-Tjon, has been appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of De Balie as of June 2023

Ali Keles, together with Ritchy Drost and Cyanne Toebes Moe-Tjon, has been appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Balie as of June 2023. After 8 years, Bercan Günel stepped down as a member of the Supervisory Board. The other current members of the Supervisory Board are Mirjam van Praag (chairman), Peter Mensing and Doreen Boonekamp.

Keles: “Being part of and contributing from the Supervisory Board to an institute like De Balie that is committed to art, culture and social debate is a great honor for me.”

Ali Keles new chairman Netherlands Association of Corporate Art Collections

During the general meeting of the Netherlands Association of Corporate Art Collections (VBCN) on May 10th 2023, Ali Keles took office as the new chairman. He succeeds Anne Clement van Vugt, who has been chairman since 2020 and whose term of office expired this year.

Ali Keles (1983) is an investor and founder of Lakeside Capital Partners, a financial services and investment group based in the Netherlands. In addition, he collects contemporary art that is housed in the Lakeside Collection, and thus joined the VBCN in 2019. He has been a board member of the VBCN since 2021.

With Keles as the new chairman, the VBCN is committed to further professionalizing the services it provides to its members. In addition, an important spearhead will be intensifying cooperation with the Dutch cultural and museum sector, but also between the affiliated corporate collections.

Keles strongly cares about the long-term commitment of the corporate collections and wants to embed this by developing a widely supported Charter for Art & Culture. Increasing the sense of responsibility of companies and (semi) public institutions to invest in the Dutch art and culture sector is evident to him.

In his opening speech, Keles emphasized: “Companies and (semi) public institutions that have committed themselves to the VBCN and that have all built up treasures of art collections over the years are an important part of the Dutch art sector. This makes them a great support for the arts and their creators. Recent research by the UvA has shown that the VBCN members collectively conserve more than 100,000 works of art and account for almost a quarter of all art purchases in the Netherlands.”

The VBCN is very pleased with the appointment of Keles and at the same time thanks Anne Clement van Vugt – senior advisor and art coordinator at Erasmus University Rotterdam – for her chairmanship. Under her inspired leadership, the VBCN membership grew, the association's memory was recorded, the mission and vision updated, the anniversary publication VBCN VIEW was realized and the association presented the fourth edition of the VBCN OPEN curator's prize. About the VBCN The Dutch Association of Corporate Collections (VBCN) is an independent non-profit knowledge network for Dutch companies and (semi) public institutions with an art collection. The members bring a large and diverse audience into contact with art and create new connections between art and society. This makes the VBCN a distinctive player in the cultural field.

The winner, Monali Meher, of the NN Art Award 2023 was announced at Art Rotterdam; other nominees were Kévin Bray, Laura Jatkowski and Salim Bayri

The winner, Monali Meher, of the NN Art Award 2023 was announced at Art Rotterdam. The other nominees were Kévin Bray, Laura Jatkowski and Salim Bayri.

“Monali Meher works in a multitude of disciplines: from video, installation and performance to photography and textiles. But it is performance art that occupies the most prominent place in her practice. The body plays a central role in this, alongside recurring themes such as time, a sense of belonging, migration, cultural cross-pollination, a hybrid and diaspora identity, gender, intimacy, decay, the climate, transformation and the reshaping of objects and memories — often in a social or political context. In fact, time, and the physical and spatial dimension of time, is such an essential part of her practice that it almost counts as a medium in itself. She compresses or stretches the concept of time. The artist is also interested in oppositions such as sadness and happiness, continuity and transience, birth and death. In addition to performances, Meher also creates work on paper. She enriches these works with food colouring, inks, pigments, face paint and sandalwood oil, which are then used as a means to soothe physical and mental pain. In combination with the images, this creates a number of almost ritual acts.

Meher graduated from the Sir J. J. School of Arts in Mumbai in 1998. In the same year, she travels to Vienna, where she is invited for a UNESCO-Aschberg residency. In 2000 she started a residency program at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam and remained in the Netherlands after that. In 2004 she briefly traveled back to India, where she participated in the Khoj residency project in New Delhi for two months. She currently lives and works in Ghent. Meher has shown her work at Tate Modern, the National Gallery of Modern Art in India, the Van Gogh Museum, the MAXXI museum in Rome and the Arezzo Biennale, where she won the Golden Chimera Award for innovation and originality. In the Netherlands, her work is included in the collections of the Centraal Museum and the AkzoNobel Art Foundation, among others.

The NN Art Award is presented annually by a professional jury panel. Their verdict is based on the originality and quality of the work. The jury is formed by a number of leading art professionals and for this year’s edition, the jury consist of: Marina de Vries, editor-in-chief of the Museum Magazine; Yolande Zola Zoli van der Heide, curator at the Van Abbemuseum; artist Inez de Brauw, who received the NN Art Award public prize 2022; Ali Keles, Founder of the Lakeside Collection and Founding Managing Partner of Lakeside Capital Partners; and Elisah van den Bergh, curator of the NN Art Collection.” (text by Art Rotterdam / NN)

Interview with Ali Keles in Het Financieele Dagblad

Ellen Leijser
Interviewer Het Financieele Dagblad

Ramon van Flymen

Parts of the interview:

Art collectors about their collection. It always starts with that one work of art that you fall head over heels for. Five art collectors talk about that love, which leaves you wanting more.

In my eyes, art was something for museums. The fact that you can also buy art was not something that lived with me. Until I came to the PAN for the first time around the age of nineteen and saw gallery owners, met artists. That’s how I started buying a piece of art every now and then.

A purchase always starts with my heart. A work of art does something to you, touches you, moves you, can inspire, raise questions, abrade, but it can also just be very beautiful. Aesthetics can be an important reason to acquire art.

To read the full interview:

PDF Version

The film DEPOT – Reflecting Boijmans by Sonia Herman Dolz premiered at International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) February 2023

The film DEPOT – Reflecting Boijmans by Sonia Herman Dolz premiered at International Film Festival Rotterdam IFFR 2023.

“While Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen had to close in 2019 due to large-scale renovation, a completely new building was created nearby that would open its doors to the public: the Depot – a shared dream of architect Winy Maas and Boijmans director Sjarel Ex. This documentary not only takes us through the creation of the world's first fully publicly accessible depot, but also draws beautiful parallels with the construction of the current museum building in the 1930s on the basis of archive material from Bouw Museum Boymans.

Maas and Ex guide the viewer with contagious pleasure through both the stripped down museum and the brand new depot and share their enthusiastic view of the past and present. The film, a monument to the future, unlocks the secrets of the museum between the acts and reveals details that are usually hidden from view. Both buildings reveal themselves, a vault with art treasures is opened. The result is a loving symphony for art and architecture.

DEPOT - Reflecting Boijmans is the latest film by filmmaker Sonia Herman Dolz, known for award-winning documentaries such as Romance de Valentia (1994) about the art of bullfighting and Lágrimas negras (1998), about an aging Cuban band. She also made the documentary Conducting Boijmans (2015).” (text by Christiaan Boesenach IFFR)

Trailer of the film DEPOT – Reflecting Boijmans.

Lakeside Capital Partners first New Year’s reception took place on January 12th 2023 on the roof of Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen celebrating its 10th year anniversary

Lakeside Capital Partners first New Year’s reception took place on January 12th 2023 on the roof of Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen celebrating its 10th year anniversary. A new yearly tradition at this venue on each 2nd Thursday of every new year has born.

With this get together Lakeside Capital Partner’s management wishes to bring together its network of shareholders, partners, advisors and clients. Not merely for business but moreover to bring them together with the artist community which whom a connection in the heart is in place.

Lakeside Collection

A modern and contemporary art collection, founded in 2015 by Lakeside Capital Partners, with local presence exhibited at “Villa Lakeside”, affiliated locations and Depot Boijmans Van Beuningen.

Diversity and inclusion are valuable sources of inspiration for the Lakeside Collection, which consists of over 120 artworks created by local and international artists from 1946 until today.

Lakeside Collection believes in the power of art and conveys inspiration to its visitors. The collection exhibits many different art forms ranging from video art, sculptures, paintings, filmography, photography to print.

In 2019 Lakeside Collection became an official member of the Netherlands Association of Corporate Art Collections. For more information: